Mind, Body, Save
Mindbosa is a free savings tool, combining personal and financial progress by allowing you to reward yourself financially every time you track a goal.
Example: Saving $1 per mile you run/walk/hike.
It's as simple as set, start, save
Customize your goals
Think of ANY goal, whether it’s running/walking, hiking/biking, or reading/meditating, and decide how you want to measure your progress.
Connect your bank account
Connect a bank checking account (no fees) or debit/credit card to begin transferring money to your Mindbosa account every time you track your goal.
Start tracking and saving
Every time you track your goal, you’ll transfer money into your Mindbosa account. The more progress you make, the more money you save! Withdraw your funds anytime.
Where personal progress meets
financial gain
"Saving money is so much easier with Mindbosa because it's tied to something I'm already doing on a daily basis! I knew I needed to save money, but had never really developed a long term plan. I saved almost $300 while training for the 2018 Boston Marathon and $250 while training for my first triathlon."
-Leslie Dillon
Meet the people who inspire us
Grant & Leslie Ballantyne
Meet Our Ambassadors
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Turn self-improvement into financial freedom, one goal at a time
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